Oldies but Goodies!

Happy New Year!
What's new with you? What's new with me?
I have three children at home. I homeschool. I nurse my baby boy. I disciple my children in God's ways.
I am a wife, mother, business woman, and entrepreneur. I'm a daughter, friend, and student of history.
I crave simplicity.
I also crave creativity.
I understand the importance of context.
I love to make soap and lip balms. I struggle to find time to make soap.
And I do like making plans.
I have a plan. A business plan.
It's a good plan. Streamlined, basic, and clear. It's about the oldies but goodies.
History does NOT lie! All answers point back to first generation AO Botanicals products. Back to first generation soap making and lip balm making. Simple and focused.
My favorite (at others') soaps are what I'm focusing on these days. It's what I focused on in the early days. Just natural and healthy essential oils and botanicals in my bar soaps and liquid soaps. Focused, simple, natural, organic, botanical, and clean are my beat.
Stay tuned for more previews. More previews on favorite soap ingredients and fragrances.
Blessings to you.